Social and Opinion Survey

Social and Opinion Research is an exploratory effort to find out public opinion in finding a truth, whether it tends to be positive, negative or neutral from social phenomena.

The social and opinion research activities carried out by Sigma Research are structured using systematic scientific methods in the social sciences, planned, and well targeted.

Through this research, there are many benefits that can be provided and you can take advantage of, including the following:

  1. Knowing the achievement and success of the work program.
  2. Analyzing social phenomena that occur in society.
  3. Provide an overview of the causes and effects as well as the relationship of a policy, social change, and also certain conditions.
  4. Finding the best possibilities or new aspects in the process of solving, correcting, formulating, verifying, and also expanding knowledge for situations in various social problems.
  5. Predict the possibility of social phenomena that can later occur based on the facts at hand.
  6. Contribute from thinking so that research results can drive change
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